National soil moisture maps: December 2019

The latest national soil moisture map for December paints a bleak picture.

 December 2019 plant available soil moisture

December 2019 plant available soil moisture

December update

Thanks to support from John Deere, Kondinin Group has engaged Dr David Stephens from Agrometeorology Australia to produce these maps for Kondinin Group members for those who are summer cropping and in preparation for the 2020 winter cropping program.

The maps produced as close to real-time after rainfall is recorded at more than 1000 real-time rain stations across the country.


Unfortunately, this first national plant available soil moisture map as at December is rather bleak and demonstrates the drought conditions across most of the country.

With little rain to report and with crops and pastures extracting moisture from the profile to depth, much of the country has sub-10mm plant available water.

Most of the moisture shown has come from storms in November and rains in the south during October 2019.

These maps will be updated monthly thanks to continued support from John Deere.

PDF:  National plant available soil moisture December 2019


A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the farming sector, brought to you by the Kondinin team.

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the farming sector, brought to you by the Kondinin team.


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