Is farmer wellbeing declining?

Data collected over a decade challenges the belief that farmer wellbeing is declining.

Research by the University of Canberra indicates farmers experience good levels of wellbeing overall. Credit: Naomi Joy L, Shutterstock.

Research by the University of Canberra indicates farmers experience good levels of wellbeing overall. Credit: Naomi Joy L, Shutterstock.

WELLBEING is intrinsically linked to good mental health, with the Black Dog Institute saying it helps us to stay resilient, build social supports and self-efficacy, and emerge from challenges even stronger. ...

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A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the farming sector, brought to you by the Kondinin team.

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the farming sector, brought to you by the Kondinin team.


Research Report: Livestock Management Software (September 2024)

Kondinin Group's September Research Report looks at a range of livestock management software platforms which can make life a lot easier when it comes to efficient sheep and cattle production.


Research Report: Grain Storage (August 2024)

This month's Research Report from Kondinin Group looks at the benefits and challenges associated with ground level storage with a focus on growers who have done it successfully.


Research Report: Grouper Bins (July 2024)

This month's Research Report from Kondinin Group looks at a range of Australian-made grouper bins which can make a big difference when it comes to input logistics on the farm.


Research Report: Carbon Calculators (June 2024)

Farming Ahead's June Research Report compares two carbon calculators which can be used by grain growers.