MSA drives genetic advances in lamb industry

NEW data from ongoing research and development of the Meat Standards Australia (MSA) lamb program is spurring sheep breeders across Australia to sharpen their genetic selections with a stronger focus on the end consumer.

Staff Writer
Researcher, Dr Daniel Brown says research is helping genetic gain. Photo courtesy MSA.

Researcher, Dr Daniel Brown says research is helping genetic gain. Photo courtesy MSA.

Since 2016, research partner ALMTech has been working to develop advanced measurements of red meat quality and quantity that will enhance the Australian beef, lamb and pork industries' ability to respond to demands and capture value-chain price differentials.

By 2040, it is estimated that ALMTech will have generated as much as $510 million extra for the beef, lamb and pork industries in Australia.

Researcher, Dr Daniel Brown, from the Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit at the University of New England, said these advancements are also feeding back down the supply chain to producers who are using Australian Sheep Breeding Values (ASBVs) with greater focus on eating quality traits.

"We've been collecting data since 2007 through a range of industry and government-funded genetics R&D programs, and from that we developed breeding values in 2013 for eating quality and yield related traits," Dr Brown said.

This work has also contributed to the development of a cuts-based grading model for the lamb industry to create value through segregation of cuts based on quality, as well as helping breeders make better genetic selection decisions.

"MSA has always been thought about as a metric to describe eating quality to improve consumer experience, and therefore draw out more value for processors and producers, but we are seeing that it has also put value around desirable genetic traits allowing breeders to balance their selection appropriately across traits.

"I know that there are already several breeders that are developing lines of seedstock animals that are targeted towards particular eating quality attributes and their progeny are being slaughtered and marketed as having those attributes. So, the rewards are already being felt by some.

"It's exciting to see this research go both up and down the supply chain to make a real difference."

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