WORKSHOP: Hearing protection

WORKING in a noisy environment is a fact of life for farmers, but hearing loss need not be. These days, most of us are aware of the insidious effects of noise exposure and take reasonable steps to protecting our hearing. The evidence is often right in front of us, with older family members often ‘hard of hearing’.

Josh Giumelli
 Hear no evil: There are plenty of sources of noise on the farm capable of damaging our hearing. Aside from machinery, power tools such as impact wrenches and grinders can generate significant sound pressure levels which can damage hearing with prolonged use. Credit: Ben White.

Hear no evil: There are plenty of sources of noise on the farm capable of damaging our hearing. Aside from machinery, power tools such as impact wrenches and grinders can generate significant sound pressure levels which can damage hearing with prolonged use. Credit: Ben White.

But noise-induced hearing loss can creep up over time and does not necessarily stem from the loudest noises where we automatically don the earmuffs. You may not be able to tell a noise is damaging your...

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A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the farming sector, brought to you by the Kondinin team.

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the farming sector, brought to you by the Kondinin team.


Research Report: Livestock Management Software (September 2024)

Kondinin Group's September Research Report looks at a range of livestock management software platforms which can make life a lot easier when it comes to efficient sheep and cattle production.


Research Report: Grain Storage (August 2024)

This month's Research Report from Kondinin Group looks at the benefits and challenges associated with ground level storage with a focus on growers who have done it successfully.


Research Report: Grouper Bins (July 2024)

This month's Research Report from Kondinin Group looks at a range of Australian-made grouper bins which can make a big difference when it comes to input logistics on the farm.


Research Report: Carbon Calculators (June 2024)

Farming Ahead's June Research Report compares two carbon calculators which can be used by grain growers.