Dual-purpose perennial wheats getting closer

AN AUSTRALIAN researcher has returned from the US with 18 new lines of perennial wheat which have the potential to be used as dual-purpose grazing and grain crops.

David Cussons
Dual-purpose perennial wheats getting closer

The lines come from The Land Institute (TLI), a non-profit research organisation in Kansas, and have been brought back to Australia by NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) researcher Matthew Newell.

Mr Newell said the aim is to develop perennial cereals as dual-purpose crops to better integrate livestock and cropping enterprises. 

“Perennial wheat has high energy and digestibility levels for grazing stock, with the added bonus of producing high protein grain,” he said.

“These dual-purpose crops could provide valuable winter forage for livestock, at a time when pasture growth is limited and, in the right conditions, be harvested for grain. 

“Farmers growing perennial wheat would have the opportunity to spell pastures while the wheat crop is grazed, increasing feed availability and generating pasture growth to increase carrying capacity and farm productivity.”

The 18 lines of wheat bolster 20 existing lines currently under investigation at Cowra in central west NSW. 

“DPI evaluation trials demonstrated perennial cereal crops could be produced in Australia with the potential to boost sustainability,” Mr Newell said.

“Now with 18 new TLI-bred lines, 10 of which are registered Kernza® lines, we aim to expand our research and focus on developing robust perennial wheat suited to grazing and grain production under Australian conditions.”

Kernza® is an intermediate wheatgrass, a perennial relative of traditional annual wheat, which is commercially available in a staged release to select US restaurants and a brewing company producing Long Root Ale, a beer named after the plant’s root system.

Dual-purpose cropping systems based on perennial crops could help farmers adapt and better manage climate variability by putting extra flexibility into local farming systems.

In marginal cropping areas, particularly in drought years, perennial wheat may allow farmers to vary their inputs, reduce costs and deliver environmental benefits. 

Perennial crops can take advantage of out-of-season rain, which helps increase water-use efficiency, reduce soil acidification and salinisation and has the potential to reduce erosion.

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